The Knights Templar were known as an elite, powerful order tasked with protecting the holy lands and initiating the crusades to spread Catholicism. However, recent discoveries of secret writings on hallowed walls and sacred structures may indicate a different message and mission, likely having to do with ancient knowledge of the Holy Grail and long suppressed secrets of the church.
The Knights Templar were known as an elite, powerful order tasked with protecting the holy lands and initiating the crusades to spread Catholicism. However, recent discoveries of secret writings on hallowed walls and sacred structures may indicate a different message and mission, likely having to do with ancient knowledge of the Holy Grail and long suppressed secrets of the church.
The Knights Templar were known as an elite, powerful order tasked with protecting the holy lands and initiating the crusades to spread Catholicism. However, recent discoveries of secret writings on hallowed walls and sacred structures may indicate a different message and mission, likely having to do with ancient knowledge of the Holy Grail and long suppressed secrets of the church.